

[PC] Fallout (1997)

Got during a Fallout series giveaway (which means FREE!) at GOG.com.
I got lucky and got the alien blaster by chance quite early in the game.
- Great isometric graphics
- Very cool atmoshpere, setting and lore
- Combat can be unforgiving, and detracts the player from pure grinding
- Well balanced economy, you never have too much money
- Nice turn-based combat system
- A limited but cool arsenal and set of items to use (including drugs)
- Cool lore
- Non-linear gameplay and quests
- A nice variety of death animations depending on the weapon used
- Sometimes difficult to control in occluded areas
- Can't reach areas that the main character cannot see; this makes moving in towns very tedious
- Some possible walking dead situations
- Music is a bit forgettable
- Few side quests
- There is a lot of content which is never explored because of the unpredictable outcome of choices
- Carry weight is fairly limited
- Very few companions, with almost no control over them
- Some obscure puzzles (connect a radio to a computer in order to control force fields?)

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